Skitouringtrip to the Antarctic 2016

Iceberg at the Antarctic coast
Iceberg at the Antarctic coast
Picture: Andreas Unterkreuter

With my four friends Anda , Roger , Thomas and Frank I wanted to experience a relaxing skitouring time in exceptional surroundings of the Antarctic Peninsula.
It was truly exceptional.
Hug Andy. Hold tight. Cling or hold on. I do not know anymore. Throw myself backwards. Cry out something like “He’s falling!” Feel your own body electrically. Feeling the jolt through Andy’s body. Body to body. Breathing making hissing noises. Being spun around. Realising that we are still ‘here’. Hearing the “rope tension”. Crawling five metres backwards, knowing that Andy has to hold on alone for those few seconds. Tensing the rope. Pressing your feet into the snow, breathing again for the first time. Andy wondering if I should unbuckle my skis. Interpreting the lack of response as an answer. Hearing “Guys, put some…….”

The entire blog by my companion Thomas Andreas Beck read here…
